The Thin Blue Line Foundation hopes law enforcement spouses find these resources helpful in bulding stronger marriages.
Monthly Spouse Tips:
- Find a new way to encourage your law enforcement spouse. Send them an encouraging text this week and tell them what you value most about them.
Recommended Books for Spouses
Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement Officers, Kevin Gilmartin, PhD
Dr. Gilmartin is a behavioral scientist who specializes in issues related to law enforcement. With twenty years of police experience under his belt, he currently provides service to the law enforcement community as a consultant. In writing this book, it was his goal to aid officers and their families in maintaining and/or improving their quality of life both personally ad professionally. More info here.
Hearts Beneath the Badge, Karen Solomon
Hearts Beneath the Badge is a book about the good deeds officers perform. There is a pressing need for people to see more than just the officer's hearts; they need to see their souls. Society as a whole needs to accept police officers for who they are - mere mortals. In order to do that, they must look through the layers of the officer's lives and see the heartache and joy, the same heartaches and joy we all experience. More info here.
A CHiP on my Shoulder, Victoria M. Newman
Marriage is hard, but marriage to a police officer is even harder. Shift work, mood swings, and risk have been a big part of the life I live with my officer. But with the right mindset, it can be done, and it can be done well. A CHiP on my Shoulder: How to Love Your Cop with Attitude provides true stories from several marriages, positive thoughts and proven principles on how to make a law enforcement marriage not only survive its difficulties, but thrive in the midst of them. More info here.
A Marriage in Progress, Victoria M. Newman
A Tactical Support for Law Enforcement Relationships is the law enforcement training manual for off-duty life. Written specifically to and for officers, Victoria looks at relationships through principles and examples of police training and culture. It includes positive perspectives, real stories, encouragement, practical tools, and personal examples for how to improve your personal life as a member of law enforcement. More info here.
I Love a Cop, Ellen Kirschman, PhD
Nothing worth doing is easy--and that includes loving a cop. Being a member of the law enforcement community is a source of pride for officers and families alike. But long hours, unpredictable shifts, and the crisis-driven nature of the profession can turn life on the home front into an emotional roller coaster. Dr. Ellen Kirschman, a psychologist who's worked with police officers for more than 30 years, gives you practical ways to deal with the challenges that come with the territory. More info here.
Bulletproff Spirit: The First Responder's Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart, Dan Willis
Suicide, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, and many more emotional and stress-related problems plague the first-responder community. Hundreds of thousands of these brave public servants have unwittingly become victims of the professions they once loved. However, the suffering that results from a professional life of sacrifice and service can be prevented and mitigated. More info here.
Under Fire, Kristi Neace
Marriage is under attack - especially for the law enforcement family. Through this book, Kristi Neace brings to the forefront stresses not uncommon in a law enforcement marriage. Things such as lack of communication, rotating shifts, job stress, missed special occasions, fatigue, cynicism, alcoholism, and a host of other parasites that can plague a marriage. Without finding the “glue” to hold your relationship together, as she points out, the odds are not favorable. Yet, there is hope! Marriages do survive and can thrive with the proper tools in place. When your marriage comes under bullet proof! More info here.
Standing Courageous, Kristi Neace
This book represents all voices of the law enforcement family, i.e. wives, parents, cousins, children, etc. The stories within will tear at your heart and bring laughter to your soul, but more importantly, offer a greater understanding and appreciation for the men and women who keep our homes and cities safe every day. More info here.
Other Resources
A confidential 24-hour crisis referral service for First Responders and their families. Speak live with an officer or former law enforcement officer. They are there to talk to you or a family member about the challenges of your law enforcement role. Safe Call provides education, healthy alternatives, and resources to save lives and put families back together.
Visit Safe Call Now's website here.
Call: 206-459-3020